Weekends. I've taken my weekends for granted for way too long and I feel like I've finally taken control of them again. The weekends are mine. They are my time to do things that I love and see people who I care about. It's amazing what a happy weekend can do to your mood for the week ahead.
More healthy baking. I'm pretty sure that my last Happy Things post contained healthy cookies but you can never have too many healthy cookies, right? This time I baked some banana and oat cookies, a recipe from the Deliciously Ella cookbook. They tasted so good and I didn't add a single drop of refined sugar in there.
Sports. As a child, I wasn't into sports at all but now I love getting involved in sports, mainly anything with a racquet. You can't beat a game of badminton or squash to perk you up on a Sunday morning.
New boots. I've been lusting after a pair of Ted & Muffy boots for ages, some of you may know them as Duo Boots. After trying on the brown Somerset boots in store, I ordered them online a few weeks later. They were originally £220 but I have just seen that they are on sale for only £85, and I highly recommend Ted & Muffy as the boots are so comfortable and you can purchase them in a variety of calf widths.
Getting organised. Ever since getting my Filofax, I've been jotting down all my plans and appointments and making sure that I'm super organised. From a reminder to service my car to a mini-break that I have booked for this year, being organised is such a great feeling.
I hope that you have all had a wonderful and happy week!
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