Monday, 18 November 2013

F&F Awkward Christmas

I love Christmas as it's always such a happy and joyful occasion. It's a time for loving, giving, and just generally enjoying the company of those around you.

This is actually my first "blog Christmas" so I was thrilled to check my inbox the other week to see that I had been selected for the F&F Awkward Christmas Competition. Having never heard of it before, I wasn't too sure what to make of it but it sounded like a great way to get into the festive spirit. I've felt like I've been a bit slow to jump onto the Christmas bandwagon this year. Even a trip to the German Market in the city centre didn't get me into the festive mood!

After searching high and low to dig out some Christmas clothing in my bedroom, I came across a lovely pair of socks that a friend bought for me a few years ago. These socks have cute little polar bears and snowflakes on them. Even though these are Christmas socks, I used to wear them all year round as they're so comfortable. I mainly wear black socks nowadays so these haven't seen the light much lately!

I also managed to get my hands on this lovely F&F Snowman Musical Sweatshirt* that was very kindly sent to me. Yes, you read that right, a MUSICAL sweatshirt. All you have to do is press the glove of the snowman! It took me a while to choose this from the website as there are so many lovely Christmas pieces from F&F this year, but I couldn't resist this very cheesy musical number. I can't wait to annoy everyone with it haha. I'm going to be a walking Christmas melody!

A warm sweatshirt. With an adorable snowman. Blasting out festive tunes. What more could a girl want? The only additional thing I could ask for is for the snowman to start dancing around.... so yeah... if you know of any Christmas jumpers/sweatshirts that can do that, please leave a link below...

It looks like this sweatshirt is sold out online but you could always take a look in store or check out some other items from F&FTesco have really impressed me this year with their range of festive wear. This is super comfortable too!